Thursday, December 17, 2009

Baring my soul

Okay this is it. Be prepared. Does anyone else get giddy when your refrigerator looks like this?

Isn't it PRETTY!

Or how about when your pantry looks like this:

Or when your closet looks like this:

Okay, I'll be perfectly honest. My closet always looks like that. I rarely wear any of the clothes in it. Except the jeans...because I wear jeans EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And I won't show you the other side. Because, as hard as I try, his side just does not match my side. And I am not an ENABLER.

I cleaned the fridge and the pantry in preparation for the onslaught of food that will be upon us in a few short days. Then the fridge will be stuffed full. And so will my tummy. I am going to have to make more cookies. The ones we have just are not going to make it.


  1. You know.........I am constantly reorganizing and straightening our pantry. And the linen closets and the...........ok, you get the point. Mine do not look as good as yours though!

  2. I just cleaned my fridge to look like that! I just got home from the store, one of my favorite times to do that. Cleaning out the fridge is actually one of my very favorite things to do. I wish my closet looked like yours though...

  3. I can definately appreciate this! My favorite day of the week is Thursday...TRASH day! I love cleaning/scrubbing the fridge and getting rid of all the junk in our life.
