Friday, November 6, 2009

Fabulous Finds

Some of you may find this extremely boring, but I find it soooooo very exciting. I am going to link this up to Frugalicious Friday at Finding Fabulous just for fun.

I love to brag share my fantastic finds. Here are some recent ones and a couple from over the years! Love finding amazing deals. I shop Goodwill, a lot. I also love a good garage sale, I am definitely my mother's daughter.

This first one I found a few weeks ago at Goodwill. It was originally $160 at Target and I loved it. Just not willing to spend that much. But then this walked out of the backroom with a light shining down on it and the gentleman set it at my was fate. $25 fate. Love it.

Then there is this great find:

Nothing terribly fancy, it's originally from Pier 1, I think it was going for $299. I got it for $75 from a couple that was moving out of the country. I love the way that it looks antique, but is relatively new. I got it 4 years ago.

How about this one:
This came from Pottery Barn Outlet in Memphis, TN. We got it when we lived down there when we were first married. I think it was originally $299 and we got it for $99. Love a good deal.

I just got this yesterday at Goodwill, another light-shining-down-from-above-you-have-to-have-this moment. I just love it! $15! It's absolutely gorgeous. I haven't decided what to do underneath it, so if anyone has any ideas, please help! It sits at the top of our stairs.
This is my favorite. Maybe because I had to do so much work to do it. It used to be a coffee table. I got it at ReStore for $28 and the fabric was 40% off at the local fabric store that is moving. I LOVE THIS OTTOMAN. I sit on it every day and hug it and cuddle with it, and I don't let the kids drive their cars on it....yet. Have I mentioned that I love it? Love it.

Enough bragging sharing for today!


  1. Great finds, Kirsty! Love that table from Pottery Barn!

  2. what a score with the Target chair! i basically love all of your finds!

  3. Well you are right to BRAG. Your finds are Great! Love what you did with the table. The chair is fab!

  4. Wow...fabulous finds Kirsty! The chair and ottoman are my favorites. Thanks for linkin' up to Frugalicious Friday!

    Jane @ Finding Fabulous
