Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Basement Stairs

Update: I'm linking this up to The Stories of A to Z: Stare at My Staircase

Oooh, how I love a good idea. I saw numbered stairs on a website, sorry, forgot which one. And decided that I needed to liven up the basement steps. Our basement is unfinished and will probably be that way until the kids are a little older. Right now they use it as a ginormous play ground.

Let's backtrack a minute. When we were in California for a wedding we saw this amazing hand sewn quilt hanging on the wall of a little bakery. It was so cool - list of ten "rules" for their eatery....you know....sit, relax, talk, enjoy your food.....blah, blah, blah. I thought it would be brilliant to use those vinyl letters that are the latest rage to do a "Thor Family Rules"....similar rules, but pertaining to the whole house, not just meals. I researched and found that it would cost into the hundreds of dollars for a list of ten things from various well known vinyl letter producers. Yeah. That project was put on the back burner. I happened to look on craig's list and found this fantastic woman that made the entire thing for $45! Holy crap! I know. It was so awesome. I can't wait to finish it. Just finishing the design right now...of course I'll post pictures.

Anyway, for an additional $15 she made the numbers one through eleven and the entire alphabet for me. $15! Hurray! And that leads me to this project:

A few weeks ago I painted the stairway walls the same color as our laundry room and it was too dark. So I had leftover paint from our bedroom re-re-do and our guest room and used that. So much better and brighter. I also painted the risers/runs on the steps - riser is white, runner is brown. Or is it the other way around? Anyway it was all leftover paint from previous projects the white was used on the cabinets in the laundry room, the brown from the front door and the garage door.

Then yesterday I put the numbers up the middle and now I just did the alphabet. Here it is with numbers:

While doing the letters:

Here it is all finished:

Love it. Most importantly the boys adore it. They get so excited walking up the steps, singing the alphabet or counting as they go.

Now for that pesky lighting problem and the glass door.....


  1. Love it! What a great teachable tool. Cute and educational, who can beat that? Thanks for linking up :).

  2. SO fun! And a great idea to teach your kids their numbers and letters! :-)

  3. I love this look and I love the colors you used to paint the stairs!

  4. What a fun detail for a house full of little ones. You did a great job.


  5. I just may copy the letter idea... who is your source again?

  6. Aw, what great memories you'll have when your kiddos are grown, and what a great way for them to learn their ABC;s and 123's! So cute.

  7. Jen C. - I got them off Craig's List. A woman was advertising vinyl and she did them for me. I can give you her name if you would like, but she's in Wisconsin. Although she did mail them to me.

  8. holy cow! you are lucky to find her! if you don't have a machine (like me) getting vinyl lettering made is not cheap.
    your stairs looks great. love the letter idea. especially with 3 little ones in the house.
