Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I hate my kitchen cabinets. I know. Not very exciting. But, I really, really, really want to paint them. Tom is not for it, AT ALL. I've already painted the boys' rooms and the guest bedroom. Repainted the laundry room and the main floor bathroom. And repainted our bedroom and then repainted it again. I also painted our dining room chairs, black, several book cases, a dresser, the kids table in the basement, a rocking chair a nightstand and a chair that Margie gave me. I think they all look great! I really want to paint the dining room table too, but Tom has put his foot down, as it is his grandma's. Whatever, she re-stained it several times, so it lost its value years ago....but I'll move on. Our house is not that old. Maybe 2006. The family that lived here before us was the first family to live here. The cabinets are in great shape and they match the rest of the terribly boring out of style oak trim in the rest of the house. I would like to paint the trim too...but that's A LOT of work! So, here are the cabinets in our kitchen. I would like to paint them white. I've done a ton of research on the internet and I'm pretty sure I could successfully do it. I think I just need someone to say, "Hey, go for it. They will look great." What do you think? Paint them? Live with it? Here's my rationale, maybe that will help me justify it. We will probably be in this house for quite some time. In the time that we are here before we sell the house, the kitchen and everything in it will be outdated and need to be redone, so we will have to do it at some point. I might as well enjoy the crisp white cabinets while we are here, right? I mean, Tom has completely refused to let me get rid of the carpet because the boys would beat up anything new anyway...

Well, here are the current cabinets. When we first moved in, I put all the handles on. Love them. And would reuse them. I know that if I lived in an older home, I would totally do it, without even thinking about it, but for some reason in this fairly new home, I am terrified of making that commitment. Odd. I think I will start with the laundry room cabinets and see how it goes and if I even like it. Then I will CONVINCE Tom that the kitchen would look great that way.


  1. I say go for it. I'm all for home improvement.

  2. Do it. I've done it twice now, in our condo and now in our new house. Off white the first time, dark grey in the house. Loved it the first time, and loving (for all of about 3 days) the second time. Totally doable, but extremely time consuming. Buy a power sprayer, if you don't have one. Really.

  3. Kristi and I vote for a painted crown mold to 'start' with....It would be a good way to add some detail without stepping off too deep. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMMY!!! did you get your pumpkin pie?
    Take care..
    love ya S & K and kids

  4. If you haven't already found the blog spots Twice Remembered or The Lettered Cottage, you really need to check these out. I showed my hubby buddy the before, during and after photos of these two blogs and he is hooked. I have wanted to paint my ten year old oak cabinets for over two years now. My hubby was totally against painting the "wood". What is it with guys and painting wood!?! These two blogs have are a great place to start. Good luck :-)
