Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Not ready for this.....

Oh my, oh my, oh my. If I thought I was ready for this I am completely lying to myself. There is no way in the world he is going back. I CAN'T DO IT. I WON'T DO IT. I REFUSE TO LET THEM GROW UP. I mean, this isn't just day care. It's actual-learn-to-play-with-others-sing-songs-practice-colors-numbers-and-letters-SCHOOL. Granted, it's two half-days a week, but still! He's only 4. He's my BABY! He was pretty excited. He was more excited that his friend Amelia was going to be there too. But, that's beside the point. Today was the first day and it was only for an hour, and Tom and I got to go with him for the entire time. We'll see what happens on Thursday. I hope I can make it without crying!

He looks so happy...and nervous...Tom, not Porter.

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