Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend, Birthdays and Parties Galore

Labor Day will forever be a big weekend in our house. My Birthday is on the 3rd of September and Porter's is on the 4th. And for the most part, Labor Day is right around there. Which makes Labor Day a BIG weekend for us. This year, we threw some stuff together for Porter's Birthday, we weren't really going to do anything, but then decided to rent a bouncy house, because we figured the neighbors would all come over and hang out. And boy did they! We loved it! On Friday, Porter's actual birthday, we had the house up and had our friends over to bounce and eat pizza and cake. It was a hit and sooooo much fun to watch all the kids get excited about the bouncy house.

Porter wanted a "truck" cake, so I attempted to make him one. I bought a bunch of trucks and decorated a home-made cake, including ex-boyfriend frosting (yummers!) It even had chocolate jimmies piled up to make dirt. Porter thought it was fantastic. I'm so glad! But, I decided that from now on I will probably order his cake, because I spent most of my birthday baking and decorating for him! He got lots of things he wanted, including "Transforms", games, play-doh, MAC (from Cars), and a computer (from his aunts, it's cool - it hooks up to the TV!). The funniest thing was when we were getting ready to sing Happy Birthday, he was really nervous and said, "Mommy, make sure nobody laughs at me." And when we started singing, he said, "NOOO, Quietly!" So we all started over and whispered Happy Birthday to him, it was so funny! I just about cried. He is getting so big.
Then on Saturday morning I got up at the butt-crack of dawn and went with my friend and neighbor Sara Clark to run the Lake Country Half Marathon here in Oconomowoc. It was the perfect day, with a great outcome. I had a goal of beating my sister Sara's time from our first half, which was in Fargo. Her time was 2:01. And I finished this Half Marathon in 1:59! Sorry Sara! But, I am so pumped, not bad for giving birth 3 months ago! And it was 22 minutes faster than my first one. Which makes me wonder why I was such a lazy bum the first time! It was fun! But I was really sore the next day...old age. Next up, my first Duathlon on September 20. Then a 10k on October 3rd. Can't wait!

I love these two photos of the boys. Porter in the air and Jack taking a break.

My Dad was here too and it is always nice to have him around. Especially when he treats us to fantastic meals - Dinner at La Perla in Milwaukee and Brunch at Seven Seas on Lake Nagawicka! We love having him around and the boys won't stop talking about him!


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