Thursday, July 16, 2009

Enough to make your day...

This morning Jack fell off our bed. He's fine. Although the thump from his head hitting the floor was enough to set off the fire alarm and send eight handsome firefighters to our, not really, but it was loud! Here's the good part: Upon seeing Jack fall off the bed and hearing the shriek and terror in his voice as I tried to comfort him, Porter climbed down from the bed in the middle of his favorite kid show, ran down the hall and within two seconds was back with Jack's blankie. He gave it to him, patted him on the back and said, "You okay, Jack?" Jack then said, "Uhuh. Tank you, Porter." (without the h).

After the last three horrific days I've had with them, this was a much needed realization that even though I raise my voice at them once in awhile, because the constant bickering and not listening is enough to send Ghandi to the nut house, they are good kids, and they are learning empathy and that is what really matters.

One more great thing Porter says: Whenever I get back from a run or when Tom gets home from work, he says, "How was yours run?" or "How was yours day?" (with the extra s attached.)

Porter can now spell his name, and can recognize many letters, he's in love with the neighbor, Amelia, who will be in his preschool class this fall - did I say preschool - wow. I can't believe it. What will I do with myself when they are all in school????

Jack is still two. Really. He is challenging us in every single way. Except, it is so hard to be angry with him when he looks at you and smiles and he has that one dimple! He is doing pretty well on the potty training. Although try rationalizing with a two year old about why it is not okay to poop in your pants while you are busy playing....yikes. He love, love, loves to pee outside. One benefit to having all boys!

Gus, oh Gus, you angel from above! He is a dream baby. He just started smiling - little smiles, if you didn't know his every day face you would miss the smiles. He has consistently been sleeping between 6 and 8 hours a night and he already eats six ounces during some feedings. He looks just like Porter did as a newborn. Although his hair is already starting to turn blond. He even has a double chin. Love it. Here's what I don't get. He eats the same exact thing for EVERY MEAL, EVERY SINGLE DAY. First - boring! Second - why oh why does his poop change every time! Sara, I know you love it when parents tell poop stories!

Getting ready to go to the cabin next weekend. Then start planning the trip to Fargo and Bismarck. I'm getting excited for that trip. I hope we survive!


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