Friday, July 31, 2009

Dedicated to those that I am praying for...

I was in the shower the other day (nope, haven't had one since) just thinking about life. I'm having trouble deciding how exactly to express my feelings that I had in those moments. So here goes:

We know a lot of people. Each of us has met/been friends with/acquaintances with someone that has had something significant happen to them. It makes me realize how important life is when I hear of someone that has had a traumatic or life changing event happen to them. I by no means mean to diminish the things that happen to each and every person in their life, because the things that happen to a single person or family are significant to them at that moment. I realize that every day. It's just that sometimes I don't understand what our plan is, why things happen to people, and what the real purpose for our time here on earth is. And I wonder how much one person can handle.

So, today, I am sending my prayers to those people that I have been thinking about lately, and have shed many tears for in the last few weeks. I am constantly thinking and praying for those that I have met in my life, close friends, people I haven't heard from in ages, people that I've reconnected with recently and new friends I've made. But, I feel like the past couple of weeks I've been doing even extra thinking and praying! I'm just so amazed at the strength and courage of many of my friends and family.

So, to the following people, know that I am praying extra hard for you and hope that I can have as much strength and courage and heart that each of you possesses.

Dad - your strength amazes me. I miss Mom too.
Alli, Dan, and Jack Lenmark - I am amazed by your courage. My heart goes out to you.
Smiths- May you have an exciting new adventure ahead of you!
Hjelseths - Because our boys are the same age, and you had one heck of a delivery!
Bensons - Praying that both your dads are doing well.
Mahars - I miss you Allison, and I hope that your new little one is letting you rest and you are so very happy.
Grandma - Even though I KNOW you don't read this, I am praying for you.

If any of you would rather me not express how much you have impacted me in the last few weeks, please let me know, I will take your name off my post. Being the people pleaser I am, I wouldn't want to offend any one, or hurt their feelings by drawing attention to them. But, then again, maybe no one will see this, since I have no idea who reads it!

I hope in my life so far I have made an impact, I have touched a soul and if I haven't yet, I hope to do it in the future.


  1. Thanks K! What a great post and sweet friend you are.
    You just brought tears to my eyes! Know that you and your family are in my thoughts, prayers and heart constantly as well.

    BTW, as a fellow mother of three sons, I can tell ya that all my best thinking time is done it the shower. Sometimes, I feel like I could stay in there all day. ;-)

    Love you,

  2. Oh Kirsten, I wish that we had reconnected when you still lived here, I think we would have lots of fun together. I, too, am constantly amazed at the collective strength of those I know and love and am always wondering what life will bring next. I often wish that as a whole we could evenly distribute some of the pain for each other as well as the strength I know many of us have had to summon during these trials. I sometimes think about the innocent days back in college when none of could imagine yet the things we would endure or what life held for us. Life really sucks sometimes, but it also is so wonderful at times that I feel like I can't stand it. Lots of love to you and your family.
