Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Baby on the way.

Baby Gus is on his way. Due to the small size of my belly and my wonderful doctor, she has decided to induce me on Friday. I didn't even have to whine! On Friday I will be 38 weeks, so I think she was okay with inducing now. I'm already dilated 2 cm, so he is ready to go. I'm having a massage on Thursday, so maybe that will move things along.

Either Jack knows something is about to change or he is just right in the midst of his "terrible twos" because he has been an absolute nightmare!!!! Arghh, TWO!

Porter seems to be pretty excited about having a baby in the house, although he thinks "Gus" is going to come out of my belly button, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't realize what is in store with this new baby....

Porter's swimming lessons have been going great since he picked his swedish fish incentive, and I even have pictures of him smiling! Will post those soon.

Until Friday....

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