Friday, April 17, 2009


The Easter Bunny came to our house last Sunday and boy did he leave some goodies. It's a good thing that the boys forgot about the candy quickly because I've been eating most of it! Thanks to my friend Jenn for the jelly bean trail idea - it was a big hit! The second the boys stepped out of their door there was a cup and a trail of jelly beans all the way down the stairs and around the house to their Easter Baskets. Jack ate every other jelly bean and we nearly had a trail mix-up, but it was so much fun! We also hid eggs and they had a great time trying to find all the eggs they could. Tom's parents were here for the weekend so they got to see the whole mess! It was quite entertaining.We drove to Madison to have brunch with Tom's grandma and his aunt and uncle. The boys were very well behaved and of course a hit with the seniors.

Then that afternoon we went and flew kites in the backyard. Amazingly both boys flew the kites all by themselves! We must live in the windiest spot in the city, because those kites stayed up forever.

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