Monday, March 30, 2009

Toddler Bed

In anticipation of a new brother we are trying to get the boys adjusted to new sleeping arrangements. We thought it would be easier for Jack to try sleeping in a "Big Boy Bed" in his room before moving him into Porter's room. Last night was our first night, today is our first nap. We put him to bed at the regular time and both Tom and I had to go in and sit with him for awhile while he tried to go to sleep. He was up out of his bed several times and just wandering around the room. He finally went down and slept, but woke up at 5:50 am instead of his usual 6:30. Which wouldn't have been a problem had he been in his crib instead of sitting next to his door screaming. He is currently supposed to be napping but he is up out of bed looking around his room.

We had a different situation with Porter. So this is new to us. We put Porter in a twin bed that was up on risers with guard rails on the side. There was no way he was getting down and was actually afraid to get down. It made it very easy to transition him. Then he went to a toddler bed. Now he has moved into a twin bed without any problems. I am quite nervous that Jack is going to get into Porter's room and all hell is going to break loose! We shall see.

We are praying for family and friends in Fargo and Bismarck during this ridiculous winter/spring. Flooding and winter storms are too much!

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