Monday, February 16, 2009


Grandma Margie came to visit on Valentine's Day so that Tom and I could go out to a movie. It was so nice to get out of the house without the boys in tow.

Margie asked Porter where Jackfish was. The following conversation occurred:

Porter (running down the stairs to me): Mommy, where's Jackfish.

Me: Who asked you about Jackfish?

Margie (whispering to me): Sorry.....

Porter: Grandma did.

Me: Jackfish went to visit the other fish in the ocean.

Porter: Why?

Me: He missed his friends.

Porter: Okay. Grandma, Jackfish went to visit his friends in the ocean!

A few weeks ago I flushed Jackfish down the toilet.....I know so harsh, but in my defense the poor little fish's bowl needed to be cleaned out every three days, and I was the only one doing it, and sometimes I just didn't have time. And it would get really dirty and gross. Then I would nearly vomit just trying to clean it out.

Porter hadn't noticed the fish was gone until someone pointed it out. And he seemed okay with the answer, so I'm not going to let him think any differently, for now. Don't judge.

1 comment:

  1. Jackfish RIP. May he swim with the fishes. This is a great story.
