Tuesday, January 20, 2009

and baby boy makes three.

So, the news is in. We're having another boy! Although I am extremely excited for this new little bundle of joy to grace us with his presence, I am a tiny bit sad, and have to admit that I shed a few tears that we will not be having a girl in the family. As many of you know Tom and I have firmly decided that we can only physically, emotionally, and financially handle three kids...so we will be a family of three boys!

And, so that means, according to the contract that I signed, this baby will be named August. I will call him Auggie! Tom can call him Gus....

In other news, we're going to an Open House at the Preschool tonight where I would like to send the boys. I have to go and stand in line for an hour to get a number for a chance to get in, but I'm going to do it anyway. Porter will go there for two mornings a week and Jack will go there for one morning a week.

Big things today in the Thor house!


  1. Congratulations! How have you been feeling?

  2. I am really happy for you guys! Almost...ALMOST makes me want to do it again. :)Have a wonderful day today!
