Thursday, December 18, 2008


Yesterday we tried to swaddle Porter in a blanket and massage his adams apple to get him to swallow his medicine, sadly it did not work. So now, we have resorted to bribery to get Porter to take it. If you have kept up with our blog, you'll remember this tactic worked when trying to get him to go poop in the potty. We went to Target yesterday morning and Porter got to pick out anything that he wanted. His choice - a spiderman scooter. The scooter is sitting right in the dining room just tempting him. However, he doesn't get it until he is finished with his 10 days of antibiotics. And if he fights about it and we have to force him, then the scooter goes to a needy family. Oddly enough the last day of his medicine is Christmas Day.

This morning we went into his room to give it to him and after a little fussing - HE TOOK HIS MEDICINE! He said, "Me take yucky medicine, me get better, me get spiderman scooter."

7 days to go - I sure hope we make it....

1 comment:

  1. It's 2:27 am on Christmas Eve. I've played 'Santa' and could not go back to sleep. So I'm on the computer and googled 'Kristi Stryker' and her name came up on this site..had to check it out!!!I've just caught up on more Thor stuff than I ever expected!!I hope you have a Merry Christmas...The kids are getting a WII....I'm sure I'll be too pooped to try it out....You guys are truly FRIENDS in our world...we love you and wish the best for you and your beautiful family...can't wait to read about your Christmas...Take Care, Love you the Strykers
