Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving in Indianapolis

We traveled to Indianapolis for Thanksgiving this year. Thank you to Mike and Carole and their kids for hosting this year. We had a great time and Porter loved hanging out with his "friends". That's what he calls all kids around his age - my friends. Then whenever he is sad, or he gets in trouble he says, "Me miss my friends..." Ha, ha. Like that's going to get him out of being in trouble!

While on the trip Jack found his voice and discovered many words - he copies absolutely everything you say, so now we really have to watch ourselves!

Did I mention that I am the Thor family Yahtzee Queen?

Right before we went to Indi, Tom and I went to Sacramento for Garry and Ewa Kelley's official church wedding. What a wonderful wedding and such great people. They complement each other very well. We also got to spend some time with Tom's friends Scott and Kristi Stryker, who are so great! We travel well together - even got to go down to my favorite city in the world (thus far), San Francisco. Top picture is at the wedding with my wrinkly hair (so says Porter). Next picture is us at Alioto's on the Wharf - Tom had his first full crab meal - he said it was awesome! Kristi and I are both allergic to shellfish - so we didn't get to enjoy, bummer since we both love it! Nice bibs boys!

Huge THANKS to Margie and Terry the best in-laws a person could ask for! They stayed with the boys while we went on vacation. It's so nice not to have to worry about them when we are gone!

I'll post some Thanksgiving pictures soon.

Porter is getting his tonsils and adenoids out next Wednesday - so that's a big thing coming up for us. Then it's off to Fargo two weeks later to spend some time with my family for Christmas.

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